Planning For the Adventure Ahead
As an employee of Florida Gulf Coast University, a significant component of your benefits package is the participation in one of the State of Florida Division of Retirement plans. Options may include participation in the Florida Retirement System Pension Plan, Florida Retirement System Investment Plan, or the State University System Optional Retirement Plan (SUSORP). In addition, you have the opportunity to maximize your retirement savings by participating in the University sponsored 403(b) program or State Deferred Compensation 457 plan.
Please note: If you recently retired or made a withdrawal from another FRS employer within the last 12 months, you have reemployment restrictions.
Upcoming Retirement Events
TIAA Upcoming Webinars
Toggle More InfoRegister for TIAA's webinars to get financial information, news and tips from our experts.
Live With Confidence In Retirement
August 21st
1 PM – 2 PM
Learn how different sources of retirement income work, how to build your strategy for lifetime income and what to consider when planning withdrawals from your retirement assets.
Charting Your Course: A Financial Guide for Women
September 11th
12 PM – 1 PM
Learn how to evaluate your financial health, set financial goals and how to put it all together to create your financial plan.
Attention to Detail: Financial Finishing Touches for Women
September 17th
2 PM – 3 PM
Learn some ways to stay in control of the portfolio you have accumulated.
Write Your Next Chapter: 5 Steps to Setting Your Retirement Date
September 25th
1 PM – 2 PM
Understand when you can retire by forming a strategy for meeting your retirement expenses. Starting right away lets you approach the future with confidence.
TIAA Onsite Appointments
Toggle More InfoTIAA Financial Advisor, Kimya Kamran, will be onsite at FGCU for one-on-one consultations in October.
Wednesday, October 9th
Wilson G. Bradshaw Library, Room LIB 431
8 AM - 5 PM
Thursday, October 10th
Wilson G. Bradshaw Library, Room LIB 431
8 AM - 5 PM
To schedule an individual appointment, please visit or call 800.732.8353.
*Appointments are required. Please register by October 6th
State of Florida Retirement Plans
FRS Pension Plan
Toggle More InfoThe FRS Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan. At retirement, vested participants will receive a "defined" monthly benefit based on a formula that uses factors such as years of service, age and average final compensation. Eligible employees include Support Personnel (SP), Administrative & Professional (A&P) and Faculty.
Contribution Rates
Employee: 3% mandatory contribution
Employer: A fixed percentage of your gross salary as determinted by the Florida Legislature
Voluntary Employee: voluntary contributions are not permitted in the FRS Pension Plan
Loans and Hardship Withdrawals
Not permitted in the FRS Pension Plan
Within 8 months of hire: Enroll by completing the EZ Retirement form and faxing directly to FRS.
- FRS New Hire Road Map
- FRS Comparison Brochure
- Pension Plan Member Handbook
- Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) Guide
For additional information, tools and resources, please visit the Florida Retirement System website.
FRS Investment Plan
Toggle More InfoThe FRS Investment Plan is a defined contribution plan. The participant chooses how to allocate the contributions in their retirement account among available investment options. The benefit at retirement is determined by the amount of money deposited into the account and its market performance over time. Eligible employees include Support Personnel (SP), Administrative & Professional (A&P) and Faculty.
Contribution Rates
Employee: 3% mandatory contribution
Employer: 8.3% for Regular Class employees; 16% for Special Risk Class employees
Voluntary Employee: voluntary contributions are not permitted in the FRS Investment Plan
Loans and Hardship Withdrawals
Not permitted in the FRS Investment Plan
Within 8 months of hire: Enroll by completing the EZ Retirement form and faxing directly to FRS.
- FRS New Hire Road Map
- FRS Comparison Brochure
- Investment Plan Summary Plan Description
- FRS Investment Plan Quick Guide to the Investment Funds You Can Choose
- FRS Investment Funds Summary
For additional information, tools and resources, please visit the Florida Retirement System website.
State University System Optional Retirement Plan (SUSORP)
Toggle More InfoThe ORP is a defined contribution plan. The participant chooses how to allocate the contributions in their retirement account among available investment options with one of the State’s four approved provider companies. The benefit at retirement is determined by the amount of money deposited into the account and its market performance over time. Eligible employees include Administrative & Professional (A&P) and Faculty.
Contribution Rates
Employee: 3% mandatory contribution
Employer: 5.14% for participating employees
Voluntary Employee: up to 5.14%
Contribution Limits
The IRS sets contribution limits annually. The limits below include voluntary contributions only. The employee mandatory 3% does not apply to the annual limit.
Under age 50 - $23,000 per year
Over age 50 - $30,500 per year
Loans and Hardship Withdrawals
Not permitted in the ORP
Within 90 days of hire, you must complete the following steps :
1. Open an account with an approved SUSORP investment provider - AIG, Equitable, TIAA or Voya. For additional information on enrollment, please visit the SUSORP website.
2. Return completed ORP ENROLL form to the FGCU Benefits team .
To make changes to your existing ORP account, including changing provider company or voluntary contributions, please complete the ORP CHANGE form and return to the FGCU Benefits team for certification.
For additional information, please visit the SUSORP website.
Voluntary Retirement Plans
University Sponsored 403(b) Supplemental Plan
Toggle More InfoFlorida Gulf Coast University offers a voluntary retirement savings program as described under section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). A 403(b) plan is also known as a tax-sheltered annuity plan. It is a voluntary retirement savings plan for employees of certain tax-exempt organizations such as public schools.
There are tax benefits to a 403(b) plan. Regular contributions may be deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis, so you don’t pay income tax on the money you contribute. The plan grows tax-deferred until you withdraw it at retirement. Many of us will have lower income taxes in retirement so the income tax may be lower at that time.
Roth contributions are made on an after-tax basis, but you don’t pay taxes when you withdraw the money at retirement. The decision on pre-tax versus Roth depends on your financial plan.
Pre-tax and Roth contributions can be made to the approved vendor, TIAA. Participants can contribute to both types of 403(b) if they choose.
Employees eligible to participate in the plan include Support Personnel, Administrative & Professional, Faculty, non-student OPS and adjunct employees. An employee can elect to participate at any time throughout the year. Additionally, current participants may elect to change or stop their deferral at any time. For more information, please visit
Contribution Rates
Voluntary employee contributions only
Contribution Limits
The IRS sets contribution limits annually.
Under age 50 - $23,000 per year
Over age 50 - $30,500 per year
Loans and Hardship Withdrawals
Loans and hardships may be permitted, please contact carrier for additional information.
To begin participating in the 403(b) please click on the TIAA Single Sign-On link. Your election will be effective as of the date indicated or the next applicable payroll date.
457 Deferred Compensation Plan
Toggle More InfoThe State of Florida 457 Deferred Compensation Plan is a voluntary retirement plan under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 457(b) that allows employees to defer pre-tax retirement contributions to an account with one of three approved provider companies.
Employees eligible to participate in the plan include Support Personnel, Administrative & Professional, Faculty, OPS and adjunct employees. An employee can elect to participate at any time throughout the year. Additionally, current participants may elect to change or stop their deferral at any time.
Roth contributions are available as of July 1, 2024, for additional information on the Roth plan please visit the 457 website.
Contribution Rates
Voluntary employee contributions only
Contribution Limits
The IRS sets contribution limits annually.
Under age 50 - $23,000 per year
Over age 50 - $30,500 per year
Loans and Hardship Withdrawals
Hardship withdrawals for “unforeseeable emergencies” may be permitted, please contact The Bureau of Deferred Compensation for details.
To learn more or begin participating in the 457 retirement plan, please visit their website.
OPS and Adjunct Employee Options
The Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA 90) introduced into the law IRS Section 3121(b) (7) (f). As a result, temporary employees of a government entity may deposit money into a private retirement plan instead of Social Security. The FICA Alternative Plan is a defined contribution plan authorized under Section 401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Who is Eligible?
Toggle More InfoEnrollment in the plan is compulsory for all OPS non-student employees, including adjunct faculty.
Who is Not Eligible?
Toggle More InfoFaculty and staff employees participating in a university retirement plan are excluded from the FICA Alternative Plan. Also excluded are students, graduate assistants, phased retirees, and any employees covered by current university retirement plans.
How the Plan Works
Toggle More InfoUnder the FGCU 401(a) FICA Alternative Plan participants contribute 7.5% of their compensation to an account in their name. Medicare contributions at 1.45% will continue to be withheld and matched by the employer.
How Do I Enroll?
Toggle More InfoTo enroll please log on to Corebridge Financial.
Click "Enroll" in the middle left of the screen and enter the access code: 5126003026 and then enter your information as prompted.
Advantages of the Plan
Toggle More InfoParticipating employees are not subject to Social Security taxes while covered by this plan, and Social Security taxes are never due on these funds.Any benefits previously earned under another retirement plan (including Social Security) will not be reduced by participation in this plan.
Contributions to this plan are pre-tax. Therefore, the total amount taxes paid will be reduced. No taxes are paid on the contributions until they are withdrawn.
The account balance is portable and there are no administrative fees.
Withdrawal Periods
Toggle More InfoWithdrawals from the plan may be made at the following times:- Termination of employment;
- Retirement;
- After age 70 ½ or retirement, if later, when the IRS requires minimum distributions be made to the participant each year;
- Participant's total disability; or
- Participant's death.
Withdrawals from your account may be made in a lump-sum cash payment (the IRS 10% penalty on early withdrawals does not apply to withdrawals upon separation at age 55 or later) or plan balances may be rolled over to an IRA or other eligible retirement plan. No IRS penalty applies to these transfers.
Who is the Plan Administrator?
Toggle More InfoCorebridge Financial (previously AIG/VALIC), a leader in tax-qualified retirement plans, is the administrator of the Plan. For more information regarding the FICA Alternative Plan, including investment options, contact Corebridge Financial at 1-888-569-7055. Individual account information is accessible on Corebridge Financial.
Preparing for Retirement
Whether you have been here a few years or your entire career, the thought of retiring can often feel overwhelming. You may have some unanswered questions such as, when will my benefits end? Can I keep my health insurance? Will I receive a cash out of my unused leave time? Can I take an adjunct or OPS position after I retire?
Please review the appropriate section below based on your retirement plan.
FRS Pension Plan
Toggle More InfoPrior to planned retirement date:
- Contact the HR Benefits team to schedule a meeting to review the retirement process.
- Contact the Division of Retirement for an official estimate at or 866-446-9377.
- Contact the People First Service Center to discuss eligibility to continue Retiree Health and Life Insurance at 866-663-4735.
- Schedule an appointment with the HR Benefits team to submit your Service Retirement
Packet. Please bring the following documents:
- Proof of your birth date.
- Birth date vertification for your beneficiary, if you select Option 3 or 4.
- A copy of your marriage certificate, if you select Option 3 or 4.
HR has notary services available.
- Submit your retirement/resignation letter to your department supervisor.
Immediately after your retirement date:
- Contact the People First Service Center at 866-663-4735, if you desire to enroll in retiree health and/or life insurance coverage.
- Complete the Health Insurance Subsidy form.
- Contact Social Security for Medicare enrollment at or 800-633-4227.
Helpful Links:
Toggle More InfoPrior to planned DROP entry date:
- Contact the HR Benefits team to schedule a meeting to review the retirement process.
- Contact the Division of Retirement for an official estimate at or 866-446-9377.
- Contact the People First Service Center to discuss eligibility to continue Retiree Health and Life Insurance at 866-663-4735.
- Schedule an appointment with the HR Benefits team to submit your DROP Retirement Packet.
Please bring the following documents:
- Proof of your birth date.
- Birth date verification for your beneficiary, if you select Option 3 or 4.
- A copy of your marriage certificate, if you select Option 3 or 4.
HR has notary services available.
As you approach your DROP end date:
- Complete the DP-TERM form that is mailed to you by the Division of Retirement. The HR Benefits team will also need to sign off on this form.
- Complete the DP-PAYT form that is mailed to you by the Division of Retirement.
- Contact the People First Service Center at 866-663-4735 if you desire to enroll in retiree health and/or life insurance coverage.
- Contact Social Security for Medicare enrollment at or 800-633-4227.
Within 30 days after retirement:
- Complete the Health Insurance Subsidy form and Direct Deposit Authorization form. You will receive this form from the Division of Retirement after submission of the completed DP-TERM and DP-PAYT forms.
Helpful Links:
FRS Investment Plan
Toggle More InfoPrior to planned retirement date:
- Contact the HR Benefits team to schedule a meeting to review the retirement process.
- Review the FRS Investment Plan Termination Kit.
- Contact the People First Service Center to discuss eligibility to continue Retiree Health and Life Insurance at 866-663-4735.
- Call the Division of Retirement to initiate your retirement at 866-446-9377.
- Submit your retirement/resignation letter to your department supervisor.
Immediately after your retirement date:
- Contact the People First Service Center at 866-663-4735, if you desire to enroll in retiree health and/or life insurance coverage.
- Retirees from the FRS Investment Plan must wait three (3) complete calendar months
before they are eligible to take a distribution from their retirement plan. During
that time, employees may elect to continue health insurance coverage via COBRA, through
the State of Florida. After taking a distribution from your retirement plan, you must
contact People First at 866-663-4735 to switch from COBRA coverage to retiree health
- If you have reached your Normal Retirement Date (birth verification is required), you will be eligible to receive up to 10% of your FRS Investment Plan account balance after terminating employment from all SUSORP and FRS employer payroll for one (1) complete calendar month.
- Normal Retirement Date refers to the date in which you attain normal retirement by
age or years of service:
- If initially enrolled before July 1, 2011: Age 62 or older and one (1) or more years of FRS-covered service OR any age and thirty (3) or more years of FRS-covered service.
- If initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011: Age 65 or older and one (1) or more years of FRS-covered service OR any age and thirty three (33) or more years of FRS-covered service.
- Complete the Health Insurance Subsidy form.
- Contact Social Security for Medicare enrollment at or 800-633-4227.
Helpful Links:
Toggle More InfoPrior to retirement date:
- Contact the HR Benefits team to schedule a meeting to review the retirement process.
- Contact the People First Service Center to discuss eligibility to continue Retiree Health and Life Insurance at 866-663-4735.
- Schedule an appointment with the HR Benefits team to submit the completed ORP-RETIRE form. Be sure to bring your identification with you. HR will then process and forward your form to the Division of Retirement for final approval.
HR has notary services available.
- Contact your investment provider company to request the distribution documents. Return the completed documents back to your investment provider company.
- The Division of Retirement will authorize your distribution by sending your approved application to your investment provider company AFTER you have remained off all SUSORP and FRS employer payrolls for three (3) complete calendar months.
- Submit your retirement/resignation letter to your department supervisor.
Immediately after your retirement date:
- Contact the People First Service Center at 866-663-4735, if you desire to enroll in retiree health and/or life insurance coverage.
- Retirees from the SUSORP must wait three (3) complete calendar months before they
are eligible to take a distribution from their retirement plan. During that time,
employees may elect to continue health insurance coverage via COBRA, through the State
of Florida. After taking a distribution from your retirement plan, you must contact
People First at 866-663-4735 to switch from COBRA coverage to retiree health insurance.
- If you have reached your Normal Retirement Date (birth verification is required), you will be eligible to receive up to 10% of your SUSORP account balance after terminating employment from all SUSORP and FRS employer payroll for one (1) complete calendar month.
- Normal Retirement Date refers to the date in which you attain normal retirement by
- If initially enrolled in SUSORP before July 1, 2011, it is the first day of the month you attain age 62 OR
- If initially enrolled in SUSORP on or after July 1, 2011, it is the first day of the month you attain age 65.
- Contact Social Security for Medicare enrollment at or 800-633-4227.
Helpful Links: