Library Team

2024-2025 Members

Carlson, Erik CAS 2025
Johnston, Vickie COE 2025
Denny, Brian DKSOE 2026
Tran, Gina LCOB 2024
Craig, Amy LIB 2027
Dudley, Amy MCHHS 2027
Griffis, John TWS 2024
Vacant UAS  
Chau, Anh WCE 2025
 Elliot, Tracy ex-officio, Library Dean  

 Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

Date Document

Team By-Laws

(i) Composition

The Library Team consists of one member representing each academic unit and the Dean of Library Services serving as an ex officio member.

(ii) Responsibilities and Duties

The University Library Committee functions as an advisory group to the Dean of Library Services. The team will review and recommend policies concerning all matters relating to such matters as library instruction, service policies, collection development, and library technology development.