Institutional Affairs Team

2024-2025 Members

Anaya, Christina (Chair) CAS 2025
Zhang, Jason COE 2025
Salmond, Mike DKSOE 2027
Swaleheen, Mushfiq LCOB 2027
Carlin, Anna LIB 2026
Kahar, Payal MCHHS 2026
Everham, Win TWS 2025
No Representation UAS  
Komisar, Simeon WCE 2026
Becker, Bryan ex officio, Registrar  
  ex officio, Staff Advisory Council  
Schladt, Jack ex officio, Student Government representative  

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule



Team By-Laws

(i) Composition

The Institutional Affairs Team consists of one faculty member representing each academic unit and one student appointed by the SGA, one representative of the Staff Advisory Council (SAC), and up to five (5) ex officio members to be appointed by the President of FGCU (or designee) 

(ii) Responsibilities and Duties

The Institutional Affairs Team is a standing committee of the collegial faculty governance system, reporting to the Faculty Senate. It functions as a faculty advisory group and coordinates with University administration, University governance structures, other nonacademic units as well as the community on institutional policy matters. The team will investigate, review and make policy recommendations concerning all matters relating to, but not limited to, campus planning; environmental concerns, institutional effectiveness; academic assessment; support of faculty research, scholarship, and service; academic calendar; and boundary-spanning activities and gifts.