All FGCU Employees Are Required to Report Allegations of Harassment and Discrimination to the OIEC.
This includes faculty, staff, adjuncts, OPS and student employees. You should only
report what you have been told. You do not need to, nor should you, mediate, investigate,
or otherwise attempt to resolve a situation.
Am I Responsible Employee?
FAQ for employees about reporting responsibilities.
What is a Responsible Employee & why am I one?
Toggle More InfoThe Office of Civil Rights defines a "responsible employee" as one who 1. has the
authority to take action to redress sexual violence or 2. has been given the duty
of reporting incidents of sexual violence or 3. a student could reasonably believe
has the authority to assist in addressing sexual assault. At FGCU, all employees (except
for employees acting in their protected roles at FGCU in the following offices: CAPS,
Student Health Services, Community Counseling Center, and the Confidential Victim
Advocate) are considered responsible employees. This includes faculty, staff, and
OPS employees. Adjuncts and student employees such as RAs are responsible employees.
What should I report? How do I report?
Toggle More InfoResponsible employees need to immediately report instances or allegations of sexual
assault, harassment or discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator. This can be via
email, the complaint form or phone. Please provide the student name(s) and any details
you may have including location of the incident(s), dates/times, and what the student
shared. Supervisors who learn of employees experiencing harassment based on a protected
class (race, color, religion, national origin, ability, genetic predisposition, sex,
gender, etc.) must report to the incident to the OIEC.
What will happen if I don't report?
Toggle More InfoNot reporting risks putting the university in violation of Title IX and losing federal
funding and federal fines. On a personal level, you may be liable for financial damages
for not reporting. Supervisors who know of incidents and do not report may be subject
to disciplinary action.
What should I tell students who disclose incidents to me?
Toggle More InfoYou cannot promise confidentiality or to keep secrets as a Responsible Employee. You
can share that you need to report what they shared and that the student will hear
from the OIEC soon.
After I make a report, what else should I do?
Toggle More InfoOnce you report to the OIEC, you have met your responsibility. The OIEC will take
action with the appropriate individuals to address the report. You should not mediate,
investigate or attempt to address the report.
I'm not a full time employee; does this mean I have to report?
Toggle More InfoIf you are an employee at FGCU, yes, you need to report.
Do I have to report incidents where I am the Complainant?
Toggle More InfoIf you experience discrimination and harassment on campus as an employee, you are
able but not required to report it to the OIEC.