Blocks 4 & 5 Student Teaching Experience

Begin Your Block 4 & Block 5 Experience

Following the successful completion of Block 1 & Block 2 Field Experiences, students enrolled in the College of Education may begin the next set of experiences. For six programs of study, students begin Student Teaching, which takes place across two semesters. Block 4 internships take place two days per week and Block 5, five days per week. During these internships, students work alongside a cooperative teacher to implement teaching strategies and develop curriculum-based lesson plans each week.

Clinical Experiences Placements Application, Fall 2024

The application is now closed for students entering Block 4 & Block 5 or the Teacher Immersion Program (TIP).

If you have any questions related to your application, or if you did not submit an application during the open application period, please contact the Office of Clinical Experiences & Partnerships:

FGCU College of Education Blocks 4 & 5 Resources

All students planning to complete a Block 4 or 5 field experience course need to apply for a placement. College of Education students will be assigned to a placement. Once the application is closed, students should contact their COE advisor.

Applying for Fall Placement:

Opens in March (closes March 15th)

Applying for Spring Placement:

Opens in October (closes October 15th)

Traditional student teaching candidates are placed in collaboration with our five-county regional school districts, while Child & Youth Studies candidates are placed based on their focus of study. Placements aim to intentionally expose students to diverse settings with effective mentors. Upon confirmation of placements, student teachers will receive an email containing information about the school/grade level, cooperating teacher, and supervisor.

All students must complete the background screening requirements prior to the beginning of the semester for their placement. Child & Youth Studies majors will be provided specific directions by the course instructor. 

Collier County: Blocks 4 & 5

Student Agreement

Code of Ethics

Background Screening Procedure

Lee County: Blocks 4 & 5

Lee County Fingerprinting Information

Charlotte County: Blocks 4 &5

Charlotte County Background Screening

Mandatory orientations will be held to review expectations and requirements during the first week of each semester. Students should see the Canvas course for orientation details.

Resources for Evaluators - Student Teaching

Student Teaching is the culminating clinical engagement experience for our teacher candidates during the last two semesters. Block 4 Student Teaching involves part-time commitment, with teacher candidates actively participating in classrooms on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the entire day. Block 5 Student Teaching transforms into a full-time immersive internship experience. Both of these crucial segments extend over 12 weeks, and each is accompanied by a dedicated university supervisor overseeing the teacher candidate's journey.


University Supervisor (US)

Cooperating Teacher (CT)

Lesson Plans/ Weekly Planner

·         Review, revise, and approve weekly

·         Inform, provide resources, and assist in developing plans

·         Review, Revise, and approve Weekly

Observe and Feedback

·         Minimum of four formal observations and informal visits, as needed

·         Complete and post rubric on GoReact

·         Use high-quality actionable feedback

·         Monitor progress of previously developed action steps

·         Provide oral and/or written feedback as often as possible

·         For Block 5 student teachers, observe assignment numbers 2 and 4 formally. Complete hard copy rubric and have student teacher submit

·         Student teachers invite CTs as guest reviewers on GoReact

·         Use high-quality actionable feedback

·         Monitor progress of previously developed action steps


·         Minimum of two seminars -at Orientation and at the 3-4 week of internship

·         Not Applicable

Journal (Directed Observations)

·         Check for completion of Directed Observations

·         Some student teachers may need assistance acquiring information for Directed Observations

Block 4 Reflective Assignment

·         Review reflective comments on GoReact

·         Assess rubric on Watermark SLL

·         Not Applicable


·         Check attendance log weekly

·         Sign/verify attendance log weekly


·         Attempt to stop, correct, or give additional support as needed for change

·         Contact Student Teaching Course Instructor and/or Director for additional assistance and/or for a written plan, as needed

·         Attempt to stop, correct, or give additional support as needed for change

·         Contact University Supervisor for additional assistance and/or for a written plan, as needed


·         Collaborate with team for mid-semester, final, and disposition assessments

·         Complete and submit rubric in Watermark SLL

·         Collaborate with team for mid-semester, final, and disposition assessments

  1. Pre-conference – Before instruction begins, review the lesson plan and discuss what should take place.
  2. Observation – Observe in-person and simultaneously have the lesson recorded into GoReact.
  3. Post Conference – Soon after the lesson, allow the Student Teacher to debrief with you on how the lesson went and ask any questions. Then, provide feedback regarding strengths, questions, areas for improvement, and suggestions. Remember the purpose is to build confidence and improve practice throughout the experience.
  4. Feedback – Provide accurate written and oral feedback. Include evidence of student learning during the observed lesson, strategically build upon previous feedback, and identify key action steps for improvement. Providing Quality Oral and Written Feedback (PDF)
  5. Student Reflection – Student views lesson recorded into GoReact and uses features to self-assess and reflect on the lesson. GoReact can be used by evaluators to provide coaching on specific aspects during delivery of instruction.
  6. Completed and Post Rubric – The completed rubric is provided and is posted to GoReact. Evaluators observing assignments 2 and 4 will use a printed version of the rubric and have the student teacher submit a copy of it to Canvas for course assignments. See a sample of the completed Quality Written Feedback Sample Rubric

FGCU Co-Teaching Models

Cooperating Teacher Expectations

Building Relationships

Assessment and Evaluation in Blocks 4 & 5 Student Teaching

Evaluators will be invited by email to join the GoReact course. To participate, view the 9-minute teaching video and then complete the provided rubric. Once posted, data will show areas of agreement and disagreement. In addition, participate in a discussion to compare rubric assessment and work towards agreement. Finally, see an example at the link above to compare results for further agreement.

GoReact Feedback Training Course, please contact for link to Go React Training Course.  

GoReact Feedback Sample Rubric

Have Questions?

For questions and inquiries related to the field experience and student teaching process, placement and/or application information, please contact the Office of Clinical Experiences & Partnerships.


Office of Clinical Experiences & Partnerships

Merwin Hall (2nd floor, 295)
10501 FGCU Boulevard South
Fort Myers, Florida 33965

 (239) 590-7804

Business Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm

Experience FGCU