FGCU Alert

FGCU remains closed through Thursday, September 26. FGCU plans to return to normal business operations and classes Friday, September 27.If we need to transition to a remote option due to local impacts, FGCU will notify the campus community via the FGCU Update email account and RAVE Guardian Eagle App. The information will also appear on our branded social media pages and be posted to our website. For more information, visit FGCU’s Emergency Management website for details.

Student Engagement

Psychology Majors at FGCU Have Several Opportunities To Get Involved Outside of the Classroom. There Are Three Student Organizations Focused on Psychology.

We also offer internships to students. More information about these opportunities is provided below.

The psychology department has created relationships with several community partners in a variety of relevant organizations. This provides students to gain additional experience and to relate their major to a variety of contexts outside the classroom. 

Please contact Dr. Terry Leary with questions regarding internships

Psi Chi is the international honor society in psychology. It is dedicated to promoting education and scholarship within the field of psychology. The Florida Gulf Coast University Psi Chi chapter began in Spring 2014. Acceptance into Psi Chi is recognition of academic excellence within the field of psychology and membership can be noted in job and graduate school applications. For a complete overview of benefits related to joining visit  Psi Chi.

Requirements for membership and to apply to join the FGCU Psi Chi chapter - click apply now at the bottom of the screen and follow the directions to submit your application.

New members will typically be inducted near the end of the Fall and/or Spring semesters. Contact Kris Kimbler for information about application deadlines or to address any additional questions.

The Psychology Club was established to provide students with opportunities for academic, career, and interpersonal growth. We work with campus faculty and staff, and outside organizations and professionals so that our members can create networks and build upon their foundations in psychology. Our meetings apply empirical research and theory to real-world applications that are relevant to students, and provide the occasional speaker on topics such as careers and graduate school. We are even in the process of creating partnerships to provide members with the potential to complete service-learning hours as well. So add us on Facebook, come to our meetings, and see what YOU can get out of Psych Club!

Psychology Club Social Media Outlets:

Please contact Dr. Martin Bourgeois with questions regarding Psychology Club.

Students Promoting Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s (SPIOP) mission is to provide the necessary tools to our members to succeed in the growing field Industrial and Organizational Psychology; this is accomplished through community collaboration, team building, student involvement and preparation for graduate school.

  • Community Collaboration: Paving the way for our students by creating lasting community relationships and providing lasting opportunities with those organizations.
  • Team Building: Providing the tools to our members to be successful leaders and contributors in the growing corporate and entrepreneurial environment.
  • Student Involvement: Through our community partnerships we provide our students with the opportunity to gain insight into the corporate landscape, we also provide student experience through activities and practices implemented through the meetings conducted by our student organization.
  • Graduate School: Through various workshops, mentoring programs and guidance from our faculty advisor, SPIOP assumes an active role in preparing students for graduate school.

Please contact Dr. Terry Leary with questions regarding SPIOP..