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Kahar, Payal (Ph.D.)

Associate Professor
Department of Health Sciences

Global Health | Health Education | Needs Assessment | Program Planning

Dr. Payal Kahar is a Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at Florida Gulf Coast University. Dr. Kahar has previously worked at Fort lewis College, Durango and Texas A&M University. She now focuses her teaching and research on global health, health education and health disparities. A major focus of her research efforts is exploring oral health disparities among rural populations in developing nations and health disparities in immigrant populations in the United States. Dr. Kahar is currently Visiting Assistant Professor in Global Public Service Academy and an affiliate faculty with FGCU Water School.

She is active as a member of committees in Southwest Florida as well as national public health organizations. She has been a member of American Public health Association, Society for Public Health Education and continues to be a member of Immokalee Interagency Council.

Clinical Experiences:

  • Dr. Kahar has practiced dentistry in India.
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