Jenny Manegold's Profile

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Manegold, Jenny (Ph.D.)

Chair, Department of Management/Associate Professor
Lutgert College of Business

LH 3308

    Ph.D. in Management, University of Texas at Arlington (2014)

    Dr. Manegold publishes research in organizational justice, human resource management, and the study of effective interpersonal relationships (including mentoring and teams). She has published in academic journals, such as the Journal of Business Ethics and Human Resource Management Journal, and was recently a contributing author in the Handbook of Justice in Work Organizations. She is also an active member of the Academy of Management and the Southern Management Association.

    Dr. Manegold’s teaching experience includes Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management, Ethical Issues in Business, Organizational Ethics, and Team and Group Processes. She is also a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society.

    Experience FGCU