Dania Sheaib's Profile

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Sheaib, Dania (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Department of Mathematics

WH 0209

Dr. Sheaib grew up in Beirut, Lebanon on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. She earned her B.S. in Mathematics from Beirut Arab University and her M.S. in Mathematics from the American University of Beirut in which she developed her interest in applied and computational mathematics. Her active engagement in research and teaching activities drove her to pursue a career that allows her to flourish not only as a researcher, but also as an educator. As a result, she completed a doctoral degree in Mathematics from the University of Oklahoma with emphasis on applied mathematics. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Waterloo, Dr. Sheaib joined FGCU in 2021 as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics. For leisure, she enjoys practicing pilates, listening to music, hanging out with friends and family, going to the beach, traveling, and cooking. Her favorite way to start the day is to listen to Fairouz in the early morning while preparing hearty breakfast.

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