ResearchGate profile
Dr. Darren Rumbold is Director of the Coastal Watershed Institute and Professor of
Marine Science at Florida Gulf Coast University where he teaches courses such as Ecological
Risk Assessment and Ecotoxicology. He earned his Ph.D. from University of Miami’s
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science in 1996. As part of his Ph.D research
he documented brevetoxin, the natural toxin from the red tide dinoflagellate, Karina
brevis, concentrating at toxic levels in sea surface microlayer under non-bloom conditions.
In 1997, he was awarded a U.S. EPA Environmental Science & Engineering Fellowship
at the National Center for Environmental Assessment in Washington, DC. From 1998-2006,
he served as Senior- and later Lead-Environmental Scientist with the South Florida
Water Management District overseeing a program to learn the influential factors controlling
mercury biogeochemistry, fate and effects in the Everglades. He also served as Technical
lead for the Water Quality Team in the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study. He joined
FGCU in 2006 where he uses this diversity of experiences as a teaching-scholar. He
is an active member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry as well
as Florida Academy of Sciences. He mentors students in taking a landscape-scale approach
in assessing impacts of high-volume, freshwater discharges and the transport and fate
of nutrients, mercury and other toxicants transported through the coastal watershed.
He has been a consultant to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program; Maryland Sea Grant College;
Tetra Tech EC, Inc.; Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc.; and SFWMD. As principle investigator
(PI) or co-PI he has secured millions in extramural funding and has authored or co-authored
numerous governmental reports (many of which are published on the web), articles in
peer-reviewed journals, and recently co-edited a 3-volume book on Florida’s mercury
Toggle Education
- Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science, University of Miami, FL
- M.S. in Biology, Florida Atlantic University
- B.S. in Biology, Florida Atlantic University
- B.A. in Chemistry, Florida Atlantic University
Toggle SpecialtiesEnvironmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and risk assessment
Research and Teaching Interests
Toggle Research and Teaching InterestsTaking a landscape-scale approach in assessing impacts of high-volume, freshwater
discharges and the transport and fate of nutrients, mercury and other toxicants transported
through the coastal watershed.
Courses Offered
Toggle Courses Offered
- CM 1084C Environmental Chemistry
- EVR 4902/EVR 6920 Graduate and undergraduate current topics courses in environmental
- EVR 5145 Ecotoxicology
- EVS 5818 Ecological Risk Assessment
- EVS 4814 Environmental Toxicology
- ISC 3120 Scientific Process
- OCB 4936 Senior Seminar in Marine Science
- OCC 4002C Marine Chemistry
- OCE 1001C Marine Systems
- OCE 3008C Oceanography
Toggle PublicationsPublished in Florida Scientist, Ecotoxicology, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science, Environmental Research, Environmental Science & Technology, Human and Ecological
Risk Assessment, Environmental Bioindicators, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental
Pollution, Restoration Ecology, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Journal of Tropical Ecology.
Conference Presentations
Toggle Conference Presentations
- Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference
- International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant
- International Conference on Environmental Bioindicators
- Annual Meeting of the Society of Risk Analysis
- World Congress of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Grants & Awards
Toggle Grants & Awards
- 2019-2022 Principal Investigator along with 15 other faculty members as co-PIs on
a Professional Services contract with South Florida Water Management District to provide
scientific support on an as-needed basis (< $1.5 million).
- 2019-2021 Principal Investigator with A. Volety on project titled "Assessment of oyster
fitness relative to freshwater inputs." South Florida Water Management District ($198.5K).
- 2010-2017 Co-Principal Investigator (served as Lead-PI during final two years) with
A. Volety, S.G. Tolley, & A.N. Loh on project titled "Long term monitoring of oysters
Crassostrea virginica in Southwest Florida." South Florida Water Management District
($1.04 million).
- 2017 Principal Investigator on project titled "Water quality along a transect across
Southwest Florida's Continental Shelf - A shiptime proposal': Florida Institute of
Oceanography ($21K).
- 2014-2015 Principal Investigator with T. Lange, & D. Richards on project titled "Trophic
transfer of mercury along salinity gradients in estuaries." Gulf of Mexico Alliance
- 2012-2015 Co-Principal Investigator with A. Volety (PI), on project titled "The effect
of hydrologic patterns on oyster population dynamics in the Ten Thousand Islands,
Florida." US Army Corps of Engineers ($248K).
Consultant for: CALFED Bay-Delta Program; Maryland Sea Grant College; Tetra Tech EC,
Inc.; Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc.; and SFWMD.
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