Brianna Pugh's Profile

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Pugh, Brianna

Graphic Designer I
Campus Life

COHEN 0267

    Brianna Pugh is the Graphic Designer for Campus Life. With her knowledge in both print and digital design, she works with all six departments of Campus Life to assist with visually communicating to students and encouraging them to get plugged in to different events and resources. Brianna is also a mentor to students who are in the Digital Media Design program and guides them through with her knowledge and experiences. Brianna is a Florida native hailing from Tampa, Florida and is an FGCU Alum. She earned her B.A in Communications with a concentration in Communication Studies and a B.A in Digital Media Design in 2022. Brianna is a huge dog lover and has a German Shepherd named Arlo. She also loves sunset beach picnics with friends, spending time with family, and traveling. Brianna’s favorite city is New York City as every time she visits she always feels inspired when she leaves!

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